On Friday 31 January, Glen Education educators, children and families together with State Member for Bentleigh Nick Staikos and Glen Eira Mayor Cr Margaret Esakoff, launched the official reopening of Glen Education Bentleigh East Kindergarten.
The project exceeded $570K and included the development of a foyer, a larger children’s room to accommodate more local children, a larger office and kitchen for our educational team and an upgrade to the toilets for both children and adults. We would like to thank the State Government and the Glen Eira City Council for their support in delivering this project.
The funding was part of a $43 million investment for Kindergarten capital projects – the single largest round of state investment in early childhood infrastructure in Victoria.
Glen Education have been instrumental in ensuring the renovations were fit for purpose and so that we can continue deliver a quality and inclusive educational program. The recent works compliment the exceptional outdoor gardens that Glen Education have worked to create (which exceed $100k since 2012) for the benefit of future generations of local children to enjoy.