Glen Education Fern Street Kindergarten

Welcome to Glen Fern Street Kindergarten.

Glen Fern Street Kindergarten provides 3 and 4 year old kindergarten to the Bayside community. The natural environment has strongly influenced the “look and feel” of the building which was completed in 2024 and the landscape design includes a sensory playscape.

Our approach encompasses both indoor and outdoor activities that are thoughtfully planned to enable each child to learn, develop and thrive.  Our program embeds play as a foundation and fundamental building block for learning. Children who attend a Glen Education kindergarten are engaged in a play-based curriculum which emerges from the curiosities of children, ensuring they are engaged and inspired by activities that ignite their interests.


Glen Education Fern Street
2 Fern Street
Black Rock, VIC 3193

National Quality Standard

This is a new service and is awaiting a rating from the National Quality Standard (NQS).


Kindergarten Costs

All children in Victoria can access up to 15 hours per week of free kindergarten, regardless of visa status or income. At Glen Education, we are providing the full 15 hours of free kindergarten to both 3 year old and 4 year old age groups. At certain Glen Education kindergartens, children may also attend additional days at a cost to families.

View our Kindergarten Costs

Timetable Options Glen Education Fern Street

Glen Education participate in a Central Registration Scheme for sessional First Year (Three Year Old) and Second Year (Four Year Old) kindergarten programs, please note sessions are multi-age for children aged 3 to 5 years.

Timetables are a two-day minimum. Select days in groups of 2 or more.

Families are welcome to drop off and pick up their children within our operating hours.


To register and enrol your child, please contact your Local Council

To register and enrol for a place at Glen Education Fern Street, or to learn more about important dates and the enrolment process, please contact the local Council below:

Bayside City Council Kindergarten Enrolments

Bayside City Council Logo
To register and enrol your child or for more information about the enrolment process, please contact the Bayside City Council.
Bayside City Council

Eligibility information

First year (3YO) enrolments

To be eligible for funded First Year (Three Year Old) Kindergarten, your child must be three years of age or older by 30 April in the year they attend.

Read more

Second year (4YO) enrolments

To be eligible for funded Second Year (4 Year Old) kindergarten, your child must be 4 years of age or older by 30 April.

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Tour Dates: Glen Education Fern Street

Date Time  
Tuesday February 25, 2025 10:00am - 10:30am Fully Booked

Please note that places in each tour group are limited and are based on availability. All tours are subject to Glen Education’s Kindergarten Tour Terms and Conditions.

If you need to cancel your place on a tour, please contact our Customer Relations team via

Take a 360° Virtual Tour

  • Click and drag to move the scene around 360°
  • Select the hotspot ∧ symbols to change location and move around the area
  • Open the floor plan (bottom right corner) to navigate into different areas