Our Families

Enrolments Overview

The first steps of a child’s education are an exciting time for families and Glen Education is where a lifetime of learning begins. The educational team at Glen Education encourage children to explore, to wonder, to imagine, to investigate, to create and to belong. Enjoying play-based experiences interwoven through each day enables children to thrive and to develop a love of learning.

Kindergarten is a two year educational program delivered by qualified early childhood educators for young children before they start school. At Glen Education we provide children aged three to five years with high quality first year (3 year old) and second year (4 year old) kindergarten. Our two year program is available across all locations during school terms to give children the best chance to develop to their fullest potential in their formative years.

When to start kindergarten

Families with children born between January and April can choose which year to start first year kindergarten (3 year old kindergarten). These children can start in the same year they turn three, or in the year they turn four years of age.

Children can ONLY commence full kindergarten sessions after their third birthday. This may mean that some children may not start attending their full kindergarten program until part-way into term 1. We welcome children aged two to visit their kindergarten for short periods of time (parent/guardian must remain for these visits) before turning three to support a smooth transition into the program. 

  • To be eligible for funded first year (3 year old) kindergarten, children must be three years of age or older by 30 April in the year they attend.
  • Children turning three between the commencement of term 1 and April 30 can only attend kindergarten once they turn three. A pro rata fee will apply (if attending kindergarten more than two days per week) and educators will develop individual orientation schedules to enable young of age children to visit the kindergarten for short periods of time (parent/guardian must remain for these visits).
  • Flexibility on when children can start kindergarten Families with children born between January and April have a CHOICE about whether their child will commence school in the year, they turn five or the following year when they turn six, and therefore whether they commence first year (3 year old) kindergarten in the year they turn three or the year they four. For further information about which year to enrol your child, please visit our FAQ or call us to discuss.
  • Children accessing first year (3 year old) kindergarten will transition to second year (4 year old) kindergarten the following year.  NO children will repeat funded first year (3 year old) kindergarten.  If children need a third year of funded kindergarten and meet the criteria, they will do this at the end of the second year (4 year old) kindergarten, prior to the transition to school.
  • Under the No Jab No Play (Immunisation) legislation, every child attending Glen Education must provide an up to date Immunisation History Statement.
  • To be eligible for funded second year (4 year old) kindergarten, children must be four years of age or older by 30 April in the year they attend. A child may start four-year-old kindergarten at the commencement of the kindergarten year even if they have not yet turned four.

  • The Victorian State Government Policy states that a child is entitled to ONE funded year only of second year (4 year old) kindergarten.  When applying for kindergarten, parents need to carefully consider the age of their child and they will be ready for the demands of kindergarten.

  • Families with children born between 1 January and 30 April have a choice about whether their child will commence school in the year they turn five or the following year, and therefore whether they commence second year (4 year old) kindergarten in the year they turn four or the year they turn five. For further information about which year to enrol your child, please visit our FAQ or call us to discuss.

  • A second year of funded four year old kindergarten will only be considered when a child shows delays in learning and development outcome areas in the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework, and when:

    • the kindergarten program is deemed to be the most appropriate learning program.

    • the child will achieve better outcomes at kindergarten than if they go to school.

    • You can view more information on eligibility for a second year of funded Second Year (4 Year Old) Kindergarten 

  • Under the No Jab No Play (Immunisation) legislation, every child attending Glen Education must provide an up to date Immunisation History Statement.

Kindergarten enrolment dates

Calculate when your child can attend kindergarten based on their date of birth.

Apply for Kindergarten

Glen Education participate in a Central Registration Enrolment Scheme for first year (3 year old) and second year (4 year old) kindergarten programs. The Scheme is administered by local Councils on behalf of all Glen Education kindergartens, ensuring a streamlined process for families which is fair and equitable in allocation of places.

Find the local Council to register your child for a Glen Education kindergarten or for more information about the enrolment process.

Bayside City Council Kindergarten Enrolments

Bayside City Council Logo
To register and enrol your child or for more information about the enrolment process, please contact the Bayside City Council.
Bayside City Council

City of Boroondara Registrations

The City of Boroondara provides a central registration and allocation service for participating kindergartens. To register your child, or for more information about the registration and allocation process, please contact:
City of Boroondara Kindergarten Support Team

City of Kingston Kindergarten Registrations

The City of Kingston provides a central registration and allocation service for participating kindergartens. To register your child, or for more information about the registration and allocation process, please contact:
City of Kingston Kindergarten Support Team

City of Monash Kindergarten Enrolments

To register and enrol your child or for more information about the enrolment process, please contact the City of Monash.
City of Monash Kindergarten Support Team

Glen Eira City Council Kindergarten Enrolments

Glen Eira City Council
To register and enrol your child or for more information about the enrolment process, please contact the Glen Eira City Council.
Glen Eira Service Centre

Stonnington Council Kindergarten Enrolments

To register and enrol your child or for more information about the enrolment process, please contact the Stonnington Council.
Stonnington Service Centre

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