Our News

Celebrating our Historical Roots


As Reconciliation & NAIDOC Weeks conclude for 2024, we want to share with you a little bit about who we are and what we stand for at Glen Education.
Our Name: Glen Education isn’t just a label; it’s a reflection of our deep connection to Glen Eira, our home. We believe in the power of education to uplift and empower individuals, families, and communities.
Our Logo: Have you ever noticed the Bulbine Lily in our logo? This indigenous plant was specially selected for its native origins in Glen Eira. It’s not just a symbol; it’s a testament to our commitment to embed indigenous learning and honouring the land on which we stand every day.
Our Tagline: Growing People encapsulates our mission to nurture the growth and development of every individual we encounter, from children to families to our dedicated staff. At Glen Education, we’re not just educators; we’re the cultivators of human potential.
Join us on this journey of learning, understanding, and #reconciliation.  Connect with our Glen Education community here: