Glen Education Glover Street Kindergarten has been selected as a recipient of a Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant.
Landcare received over 2300 grant applications and along with ours , 1609 primary schools and early learning centres across Australia have been awarded a Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant. This is the largest number of Junior Landcare grants  ever given out in a single round.
We will be using our grant to re-establish  the vegie gardens at Glen Education Glover Street Kindergarten so the children can experience how plants grow and where food comes from, with a focus on cooking and enjoying the food we grow, alongside using sustainable practices and engaging as a community. The whole GSK community will be involved in the project and we will invite families to join us for planting during sessions in Term 3.
Our front garden beds will be transformed to a community herb garden and once established we will invite you to cut the herbs and utilise them in your homes.
This term the children have been involved in the planning and  installing of the new garden beds, installing the worm towers and selecting the plants we will grow in term three.  At the beginning of next term the children will begin raising seedlings and  looking after the seeds and plants  and hopefully  harvesting and cooking some crops.
We have a focus on sustainability within our project which will see the children take responsibility for feeding our worms and adding scraps to the compost and the final component of our project is to support local pollinators so we will feature a variety of flowering plants within the garden beds to support the bees and other pollinators.
We are very excited to be able to share this news with you all and are very eager to undertake project so rich in real life learning.