We are THRILLED to announce Glen Education Brady Road Kindergarten has received a rating of EXCEEDING the National Standard for the delivery of high quality programs!
Glen Education Brady Rd Kindergarten went through the assessment and rating process in May of this year, after having previously been assessed back in 2014. In this time, the Glen Education team have been committed to critically reflecting on practice, upgrading learning environments and empowering children to be active contributors to the community in which they live. These improvements have positively impacted the delivery of innovative programs and contributed to the outcome. This result is a credit to our wonderful educators and leaders.
Comments from the assessor:
“The service demonstrated a significant commitment to maintaining relationships with children, their families and the local community. Educators had built caring relationships with all children and demonstrated consistent strategies in supporting their emotional needs. Relationships with families were evident and supported through warm daily interactions and respectful communication. Educators provided a rich and dynamic learning environment that was play based and inclusive of children’s interests which were the foundation of the emerging program.
Educators had significant support from the educational leader and team leaders and all practiced reflective conversations in their daily work. Staff regularly sought further ways to build on their professional knowledge and worked as a close and supportive team. The service had a strong leadership and governance structure in place which provided ongoing support and development opportunities for staff. The leadership team effectively supported the quality of the service during periods of change and movement among staff.”
Glen Education now have nine services rated as EXCEEDING the National Standard and one service rated as MEETING the National Standard (with this service is due for assessment later this year).
We are proud to offer services that support children and families to foster a lifelong love of learning.