Our services have consistently received a rating of exceeding the National Standard for over 10 years, by the South Eastern Region of the Department of Education, Victoria.
Here’s an extract of the report from the authorised officer:
“The team of educators were reflexive and responsive in their approach to adapting to change, demonstrating willingness to explore new ideas to achieve their goal of providing high quality education to all children. Intentionality was embedded in every aspect of educators’ practice, with all educators demonstrating skill in facilitating and extending each child’s learning and development in both planned and spontaneous ways. The practice of educators consistently aligned with the service philosophy of striving to empower children by using their thoughts and ideas to develop and enhance the program, and to become active citizens in their educational community. Strong leadership promoted a positive culture of ongoing critical reflection and continuous improvement. This included providing ongoing and consistent support to all stakeholders, while allowing the unique qualities of the service to flourish. The educational leader facilitated rich critical reflection through provocations designed to challenge thinking, and to consider multiple perspectives to strengthen teaching approaches. The educational leader is acknowledged for her efforts to encourage educators to engage in robust critical reflection on all areas of practice, to create a responsive program which drew on the voices of educators, children, and families. The observed and discussed approach to supporting and promoting children’s safety consistently aligned with the design and delivery of the educational program and service philosophy and demonstrated a strong commitment to the principles and practices of the approved learning framework. The philosophy was reviewed annually and was informed by feedback from educator’s children and families and had recently been adapted to reflect the value placed on achieving excellence.”
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