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Sun Safety – Think UV, not heat

Sun Safety – Think UV, not heat

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation levels have continued to rise and are reaching very high levels (UV 8-10). It’s a great reminder to focus on UV and not heat when it comes to skin cancer prevention.

The first step in the sun protection routine is to check the local daily sun protection times via the SunSmart app, or SunSmart and Bureau of Meteorology websites. The sun protection times show the times of day UV levels will be three or above and sun protection is needed.

As children enjoy active outdoor play and learning, please make sure they all use a combination of sun protection measures. It’s important for educators to also model these behaviours and support their own health.

  1. Slip on cool, covering clothing that covers as much skin as possible
  2. Slop on SPF30 (or higher) broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen to parts of skin not covered with clothing
  3. Slap on a wide-brimmed hat that shades the face, neck and ears. A cap should not be considered as a suitable alternative
  4. Seek shade – natural, built, temporary. Move with the shade
  5. Slide on sunglasses labelled Australian Standard AS1067 (if practical for your setting).
  6. SunSmart has various resources for early childhood and primary schools to help share the SunSmart message with children and families.

This article was provided by the SunSmart Schools and Early Childhood, Prevention Division – Cancer Council Victoria