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Media Release – Kindergarten Access For Permitted Workers

Hi Glen Education Community,

Following on from our communication with you all on Monday regarding who can attend kindergarten under stage 4, the Premier (just two hours ago) in his daily press release has changed the parameters regarding who can attend our services. Our teachers and educators will be calling you (if they haven’t already) to determine whether or not your child is eligible to attend.

Please read the attached Media Release that clearly outlines the new parameters. This explains the extension of eligibility criteria to include those permitted workers that are doing their job at home, and have no one else to care for their child/ren. If you have been contacted by a staff member already today and informed them your child will not be attending, but your child now can and will attend due to the change, please contact us via info@gekaoffice.org.au with your child’s name, kindergarten service and group.

The media release mentions the introduction of an Access to Childcare Permit which is expected to be made available this afternoon. The Access to Childcare Permit is separate to the Permitted Worker Permit and is for permitted workers who are working from home and cannot supervise their children while working. This will also suffice for kindergarten (even though it references child care).

Please be reminded that even though the eligibility criteria has been extended, kindergarten will only be available for children whose families meet the strict criteria and have no other option but to attend.

We anticipate that the number of children attending across our services will be low, and as per previous communication, we may not open all of our services. Consequently, this will mean that your child may be at a different location with a different group of children, and a different set of educators. We will know this by Friday and communicate with you accordingly.

Glen Education Management

Media Release – Childcare and Access for permitted workers