In line with the State Government’s free kinder initiative, Glen Education has limited vacancies remaining across a small number of services in 2024. All children in Victoria who are three and four years old can access up to 15 hours of free kindergarten, regardless of visa status or income. At Glen Education, we are providing the full 15 hours of free kinder to both age groups.
Due to strong demand, and to ensure that all families can access 15 hours of free kindergarten – regardless of whether they are three or four years of age, we have extended our program offering to include a Saturday at services where demand is particularly high.
Two-day, funded kindergarten sessions that incorporate a Saturday will operate at the following kindergartens: Glen Bentleigh, Glen Bentleigh East, Glen Carnegie, and Glen Centre Road kindergartens in 2024. These high-quality programs will operate on either a Thursday/Saturday or Friday/Saturday.
Why Choose a Glen Education Kindergarten?
- We consistently exceed National Standards for quality early years education.
- We offer 15 hours of free kindergarten for three-year-olds across all our services – years ahead of the State Government timeline of 2029.
- We provide 15 hours of free kindergarten for all four-year-olds – aligning with current Government policy and saving families up to $2500 per year.
- We offer additional (full fee paying) days across some of our services where there may be vacancies after all funded places have been filled.
- We offer a play-based curriculum which emerges from the curiosities of children, ensuring they are engaged and inspired by activities that ignite their interests.
- Our dedicated educators are committed to providing a nurturing and supportive environment for your child. They maintain professional confidence by keeping up to date with educational research, connecting with professional learning communities and by advocating for each person’s right to learn, grow and thrive.
- We provide flexibility for families through the combination of different days – including Saturdays at some services.
Whilst most of our services are full for 2024, we do have several vacancies remaining at Glen Centre Road Kindergarten for either Thursday/Saturday or Friday/Saturday. To book a place, visit our website