Hello Families,
We hope everyone is ok and keeping safe. If Glen Education can assist your family in any way, please contact us via info@geka.local/.
We’re here to help and to do what we can to keep everyone in our community as safe as possible.
A few key reminders about protocols during COVID-19 and the operation of our programs:
Masks to be worn
As you will have heard and read, everyone will be required to wear a face covering from 23 July, when leaving home for one of the four reasons (see above link).
Families arriving to drop children off to kindergarten will need to be wearing a face covering. Our educators will greet you in the same way to keep you safe, so we appreciate you doing the same to keep our teams safe.
Children do not need to wear a mask. Our educators do not need to wear a mask when working directly with children (within the program), but some will choose to do so.
Access to the programs will continue to be for children and our staff only.
Medical Clearance
A reminder that children and staff are only able to return to programs after a period of absence due to illness, if they are well (not showing any signs of illness) present with a medical clearance at the time of arrival – the clearance can be in the form of a letter from the Doctor or a copy of a negative COVID-19 result.
Temperature Checks
Your child’s temperatures will be taken BEFORE you leave your child. Please be patient while we do this.
Any child with a temperature reading of 38 degrees or over will be refused entry and asked to seek advice from a medical practitioner.
Children that develop a temperature during session will be sent home and asked to seek medical advice.
Children are only able to return to programs after a period of absence due to illness, if they are well (not showing any signs of illness) present with a medical clearance at the time of arrival (see above). We know this will create an inconvenience for some families and we apologise in advance but ask you to please comply.
Children will be asked to put their bag away and wash their hands before they begin to play. Please help us by reminding your child of this important start to their kindergarten day. Handwashing is also a requirement when leaving the service, before and after eating, after blowing the nose and if hands have been in or near the mouth.
Positive COVID-19 result
- Please notify the Glen Education office via 9570 5866 or info@geka.local/ if you or someone in your family tests positive to COVID-19.
- Please also notify us if you have been in contact with anyone that has tested positive to COVID-19
- For families who also send their child to an early learning/child care service, please notify us if there have been any confirmed cases at this service.
For all of the above – PLEASE keep your child home during the 14 day self-isolation period, in order to ensure the safety of everyone accessing our services.
We know it is a worrying time. We need to continue to work together, be vigilant and do the best we can, for the safety of the whole community.
Please respect that all Glen Education educators and office staff are doing the best they can in very challenging circumstances. Our teams attend the workplace each day because they care – they put themselves at risk so that children can continue to access a kindergarten program with familiar adults. We ask for your continued respect of our educators and office staff and your cooperation to keep yourselves and those around you as safe as possible, by adhering to the above protocols.
Thanks everyone.
Kind Regards,
Glen Education Management