Our services have consistently received a rating of exceeding the National Standard for over 10 years, by the South Eastern Region of the Department of Education, Victoria.
Here’s an extract of the report from the authorised officer:
“The leadership team, educators, and other staff had developed and maintained relationships with each other that were based on the principles of mutual respect, equity, and fairness. A lively culture of professional inquiry was established among the centres managed by the approved provider.
Educators from all services participated in professional conversations. They shared their skills, pedagogical approaches, and expertise in some cultures. A robust leadership team composed of professionals with expertise was heavily involved in the service’s operations, including regularly participating in the children’s programs and interacting with them, thus modelling their commitment to best practice and quality improvement. Each educator demonstrated a strong knowledge of children as individuals, consistently using this information to inform the implementation of the educational program.
Educators reflected on meaningful ways to maximise the opportunities for children to participate in group experiences. They regularly offered children’s choices regarding the resources, experiences, routines, and spaces in ways that promoted their engagement and learning. Educators used these opportunities to build relationships with children, support their vocabulary and sense of identity, and collect information to inform their planning. At all times, interactions between all educators and children were warm and nurturing.
The approved provider promoted critically reflective discussions about pedagogy, curriculum approaches, theories, and best practice. As a result, educators’ practice was intentional and supported children to achieve their individual goals, which were regularly reviewed, reflected, and celebrated. Cultural safety was promoted by incorporating resources in their newsletters to communicate to parents the importance of respecting the diversity in their community and families’ compositions.”
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