Our News

Best Start, Best Life School Industry Roundtable

The Department of Education, Early Childhood Improvement Branch, joined with the Job, Skills, and Pathways team in the Bayside Peninsula Area, to facilitate a Best Start, Best Life School Industry Roundtable (SIR) on the 31 May. The event was facilitated by Anthony Semann from Semann & Slattery, with the aim of developing a roadmap for early childhood as a career pathway with the specific intent of raising the profile of Early Childhood, to attract (young) people to the sector and to increase opportunities for work exposure and work experience.
Glen Education are one of the larger Early Years Providers in Bayside Peninsula Area. As such, the General Manager, Operations, Education and Pedagogy, Melissa MacMaster, was invited to be one of the guest speakers for a panel discussion at the event. Melissa led discussions on the range of strategies that can entice and inspire people to choose a career in early childhood education. Of particular focus were four key objectives:
1. Articulating the work of Early Childhood Education as a dynamic and varied career of choice. Melissa spoke about how important it was to spread a collective message that excites and entices people to ‘lean in’ and explore a career in Early Childhood, so it becomes a sought-after choice and not a fall-back position.
2. Appeal to a wider range of people that are passionate about making a life changing difference, to children, to their families, to the wider world, now and long into the future. Specifically, Melissa encouraged the audience to consider attracting people with an interest or expertise in:
• Mathematics or literature
• dance and drama
• those with an ability to think innovatively and outside the square
• who have a love of the earth and all things sustainability
• a commitment to upholding the rights of children and of marginalised communities
• leadership and a flair for inspiring and mentoring others
3. Share the work that we do that makes a difference. Melissa shared how important it is to tell our stories of success and achievement and to invest the time in ensuring the impact of the work we do is visible to the wider world.
4. Choose to be an employer of choice, so that potential employees actively seek to work with us, because they know they will be cared for and supported to grow professionally and thrive personally.
The SIR was attended by school Principals, VET teachers, career practitioners and other school staff, VET students, not-for-profit organisations, community and parent groups, industry partners from large and small business, Universities, TAFEs, and registered training organisations. Glen Education was proud to be a significant contributor to these important discussions.
If you or someone you know would like to work for Glen Education, please apply here:  Work at Glen Education