Find your local Council

Glen Education participate in a Central Registration Enrolment Scheme for first year (3 year old) and second year (4 year old) kindergarten programs. 

The Scheme is administered by local Councils on behalf of all Glen Education kindergartens, ensuring a streamlined process for families which is fair and equitable in allocation of places.

Find the local Council to register your child for a Glen Education kindergarten or for more information about the enrolment process.

Choose a Kindergarten:
Choose a Kindergarten:

Bayside City Council Kindergarten Enrolments

Bayside City Council Logo
To register and enrol your child or for more information about the enrolment process, please contact the Bayside City Council.
Bayside City Council

City of Boroondara Registrations

The City of Boroondara provides a central registration and allocation service for participating kindergartens. To register your child, or for more information about the registration and allocation process, please contact:
City of Boroondara Kindergarten Support Team

City of Kingston Kindergarten Registrations

The City of Kingston provides a central registration and allocation service for participating kindergartens. To register your child, or for more information about the registration and allocation process, please contact:
City of Kingston Kindergarten Support Team

City of Monash Kindergarten Enrolments

To register and enrol your child or for more information about the enrolment process, please contact the City of Monash.
City of Monash Kindergarten Support Team

Glen Eira City Council Kindergarten Enrolments

Glen Eira City Council
To register and enrol your child or for more information about the enrolment process, please contact the Glen Eira City Council.
Glen Eira Service Centre

Stonnington Council Kindergarten Enrolments

To register and enrol your child or for more information about the enrolment process, please contact the Stonnington Council.
Stonnington Service Centre