Chief Executive Officer
Samantha commenced her career in community health, before working as a psychologist with marginalised, disadvantaged and vulnerable children. She has led and managed services in both regional and metropolitan areas, and across all stages of the lifespan. Her experience includes early years, child protection, aged care, drug and alcohol, family violence, mental health, disability, parenting and family support, advocacy and policy. She takes a social justice approach to her work and recognises the importance of education in creating opportunities to thrive.
Samantha has a reputation for enabling growth and diversification within organisations to create long term sustainability and to maximise opportunities that benefit her staff, clients and community. She brings a wealth of experience in stakeholder engagement, and the development and implementation of programs within a partnership context.
Samantha has a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD). In addition to her role at Glen Education, Samantha is a Director on the Early learning Association of Australia (ELAA) Board which represents the voice of parents and service providers within the early childhood sector. She also sits on the Board of the Better Health Network which provides primary and allied health services to communities across the south east.
We welcome the opportunity to listen to and learn from the families that engage with our services.
Level 1, 2 North Drive
236-262 East Boundary Road
Bentleigh East 3165
© 2025 Glen Education. All Rights Reserved.